In this episode, we’ll be learning the names of all the white notes on the piano and how to identify them. We’ll also be learning a lot about how the piano makes sound. After watching this episode, you’ll know these keys to unlocking your inner pianist:

  • The musical alphabet
  • How to find any white note on the piano
  • Why notes with the same name sound similar
  • How the piano makes sound

Are you ready to get your first set of keys?

I love learning about the history of the piano, don’t you? Michelle will be sharing tidbits like these in every episode. 

I also love learning how the piano works. It’s time to do an experiment!

But wait: pianos aren’t made out of rubber bands! Still, we can learn a lot about how pianos (and other musical instruments) make sound if we do a few more experiments with this rubber band. The next part of this experiment is really fun!
Now that we’re back at the piano, let’s meet an incredible team of superheros that live inside it.
Now that we’ve met The Overtones, let’s put them to work inside the piano. Time for another experiment!
And now we’re ready to learn how to find all the other white notes on the piano!
We’ve covered a lot in this episode! You’ve learned how to find C on the piano. You’ve learned where all the other white notes are on the piano. And you’ve learned why notes with the same name sound similar. I bet you’re excited to put this knowledge to work! That’s the most important key to learning the piano: what you do between lessons. In this final segment, I’ll share some useful tips to help you become a pro at everything we’ve learned today.

You’re going to have a great time practicing what you’ve learned! And there are all kinds of fun challenges you can make up to help you practice. If you change up your routine each time, your practice will never become stale. Aside from the challenges I suggested in the video, here are some others you’ll enjoy. (Disclaimer: though I am an experienced concert pianist and piano teacher, one way video lessons differ from in-person piano lessons is that I cannot give you feedback as you practice. If anything you do at the piano causes you pain, STOP IMMEDIATELY and seek medical input from a medical professional along with live input from a qualified piano instructor.) Now on to the challenges!

Learn the Keys by trying these!

  • When you’re playing all the Cs or all the Es or any other combination of notes, play them in the rhythm of your favorite song.
  • Close your eyes and press down a note. Open your eyes and name the note.
  • Read the most recent text or e-mail you sent. Whenever a letter from A to G is in that text or e-mail, play it on the piano.

What other challenges and games can you come up with?

(Oh, by the way, if you’d like to watch this episode as one complete clip, it’s right here on YouTube.)

Until the next episode, happy practicing!